недеља, 29. октобар 2017.

Wycon Black Kitsch Mascara

Maskara koju trenutno koristim je po meni vrlo zanimljiva i drugačija od većine koje sam do sada koristila. Reč je o Wycon Black Kitsch maskari, koju sam kupila na sniženju za samo 399 dinara (mislim da je puna cena malo manja od 1000 din). Pakovanje je malo manje i ima 6.5ml.

The mascara I currently use is very interesting to me and different from the majority that I have used so far. It's Wycon Black Kitsch Mascara, which I bought at a discount of only 399 RSD (I think the full price is a bit below 1000 RSD). The packaging is a little smaller and contains 6.5ml.

Maskara sadrži sitne dlačice koje bi trebalo da produže trepavice nakon nanošenja. Formula je inače srednje gustine, ali je na neki poseban način suvkasta, pa se višak maskare ne može zadržati na četkici. Četkica je standardna, i malih dimenzija. Ovo me je prvo i privuklo, jer ne volim gumene četkice, a poseno ne gumene sa retkim zupcima. Pošto imam male trepavice, ova mala četkica mi olakšava nanošenje maskare.

The mascara containing small fibers that should give length to your lashes after application. The formula has medium density, but it is dry in a special way, so the excess mascara cannot be picked up by the brush. The brush is standard, and small in size. This is what first attracted me, because I do not like rubber brushes, especially those with rare spikes. Since I have small eyelashes, this little brush makes it easier for me to apply the mascara.

Zbog svoje suvkaste formule, pune dlačica i male četkice koja odlično razdvaja svaku trepavicu, maska se nanosi u vrlo tankom sloju i u potpunosti razdvaja svaku trepavicu. Bolje od svake maskare do sad. Kod ove maskare važi princip nanošenja maskare u stotinu poteza. Sa svakim pokretom maskara se polako nadograđuje, i efekat postaje jači, a trepavice su i dalje u potpunosti razdvojene i izgledaju prirodno. Skoro je nemoguće naneti ovu maskaru previše i slepiti trepavice.

Due to its dry formula, full of fibers and a small brush that perfectly separates each eyelash, the mascara is applied in a very thin layer and eyelashes stay completely separated. It does that better than any mascara so far. This mascara should be applied in hundred strokes. With each stroke, it is slowly being upgraded, and the effect becomes stronger, while the lashes are still completely separated and look natural. It is almost impossible to apply this mascara too much and stick the eyelashes together.

Ako ste ljubitelj maskara sa ekstremnim efektom ovo uopšte nije maskara za vas. Ako pak volite nežan i prirodan izgled sa potpuno razdvojenim trepavicama, ovo je prava maskara za vas. Odlična je za mlade devojke koje tek kreću da se šminkaju. Ne očekujte preveliko produžavanje trepavica, jer će to izostati. Bitno je naglasiti da se maskara ne kruni i ne razliva u toku dana, a lako se skida sredstvima za skidanje šminke.

If you are a fan of mascaras with extreme effects, this is not a mascara for you at all. If you love a gentle and natural look with completely separated eyelashes, this is a great mascara for you. It is great for young girls who are just starting doing makeup. Do not expect too much elongation of the eyelashes, because this will not occur. It is important to emphasize that the mascara does not crumble and does not run during the day, and is easily removed by any makeup remover.

Ja ovu maskaru mnogo volim, ali sam svesna i da će je neki mrzeti, u zavisnosti od toga šta od maskare tražite.

I love this mascara very much, but I am also aware that some will hate it, depending on what you are looking for from the mascara.

Informacije i ocene
Cena oko 1000 RSD
Gde kupitiWycon
Da li bih ih ponovo kupilaDa
Ukupna ocena4/5
- aplikator
- formula
- razdvaja trepavice
- definicija
- ne slepljuje trepavice
- ne razliva se
- cena  
- ne izdužuje trepavice mnogo
- malo slabiji volumen  

Information and scores
around 1000 RSD
Where to buyWycon
Would I buy it againYes
Overall Score4/5
- applicator
- formula
- separates lashes         
- non-sticky
- wont't run
- price     
- doesn't give a lot of length
- slightly smaller volume    

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