субота, 14. мај 2016.

Sofi prirodno ulje bršljana protiv celulita

Istina je nekad tužna...celulit se ne može ukloniti kremama. I ne vredi mnogo se nadati. Najbolje što sam od neke kreme dobila je blago zatezanje kože zbog čega se celulit čini manje vidljivim. Naravno celulit je posledica genetike ali i načina života. Ja sam jedna od onih koja nije dobila najbolje karte kad je celulit u pitanju. Priznajem, mogla bih više vode da pijem, ali prosto mi je naporno i ne treba mi toliko mnogo vode na dnevnoj bazi. Probala sam...ali samo sam išla u wc na svakih par minuta. 

The truth is sometimes sad ... anti-cellulite creams don't work. There is no use in hoping to much. The best thing I got from some cream is gentle tightening of the skin, which caused cellulite to be less visible. Cellulite is the result of genetics but also lifestyle. I am one of those who did not get the best cards when it comes to cellulite. I admit, I should drink more water, but it is just hard and I really don't need that much water every day. I tried ... but I just went to the bathroom every few minutes.

Anticelulit proizvod koji trenutno koristim je Sofi prirodno ulje bršljana. Volim ga zbog prirodnog sastava. Sadrži ulja bršljana, grejpfruta, cimeta, ruzmarina, mente, koji zatežu kožu i čine celulit manje vidljivim. Pored ovih ulja tu su i maslinovo i bademovo ulje koji hrane i neguju kožu. Ne sadrži mineralna ulja, veštačke arome i konzervanse. Nanosi se na vlažnu kožu, radi bržeg upijanja, jednom ili dva puta dnevno. Dolazi u plastičnoj bočici od 110ml i košta 465 dinara. Miris mu je biljni i blag.

Anti-cellulite product that I currently use is Sofi natural ivy oil. I love it because of its natural composition. It contains ivy, grapefruit, cinnamon, rosemary and mint oil, which tighten the skin and make cellulite less visible. In addition to these it also contains olive and almond oil that nourish and nurture the skin. It contains no mineral oils, artificial flavouring and preservative agents. It should be applied to wet skin, for faster absorption, once or twice a day. It comes in a plastic bottle of 110ml and costs 465 RSD. Its scent is herbal and mild.

Ja ga nanosim uveče, nakon tuširanja i kružnim pokretima ga umisaram u kožu. Masno je i malo se sporije upija, treba mu par minuta, mada mene često mrzi da čekam pa ipak obučem pidžamu. Efekat je prilično standardan, kao i kod krema sa sličnom namenom. Primetila sam da je koža malo zategnutija, mada generalno gledano, celulit je i dalje tu. Ipak koža izgleda malo bolje, tako da ulje nije loše, a posebno kada uzmemo u obzir da ima potpuno prirodan sastav, za razliku od većine anticelulit krema.

I apply it in the evening, after showering and massage it in by using circular motions. It is greasy and is absorbed a little more slowly. It takes a few minutes, although I often can't wait and I still put my pyjamas on . The effect is pretty standard, as with other similar creams. I noticed that the skin is a little tighter, but generally speaking, cellulite is still there. Yet skin looks a little better, so this oil is not that bad, especially when you consider its completely natural composition, unlike most anti-cellulite cream.

Da li uopšte ima svrhe kupovati anticelulit kreme i ulja? Šta vi mislite? Ja nekako volim i taj mali efekat zatezanja kože koji dobijam sa ovim proizvodima. Mislim da ću nastaviti da kupujem ovo ulje zbog divnog sastava. Da li ste ga vi probali i kakvi su bili vaši utisci? Koji je vaš omiljen proizvod protiv celulita?

Informacije i ocene
Cena465 RSD
Gde kupitiLilly , DM, Sofi sajt
Da li bih ih ponovo kupilaDa
Ukupna ocena4/5
- cena
- prirodan sastav
- malo zateže kožu
- neguje
- ne utiče na celulit 

Is there any purpose of buying anti-cellulite creams and oils? What do you think? I kinda like even this small tightening effect I get with these products. I think I'll continues to buy this oil because of its wonderful composition. Did you try this oil and what were your impressions? What is your favourite product against cellulite?

Information and scores
Price465 RSD
Where to buyLilly, DM, Sofy website
Would I buy them againYes
Overall Score4/5
- price
- natural ingredients
- tightens the skin a bit
- nourishing
- won't effect cellulite

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