четвртак, 18. јун 2015.

Eucerin SPF zaštita - SPF30 Sun Spray Transparent & SPF50+ Sun Gel-Creme Oil Control

Letnje vrućine su krenule, a još mnogo toplog vremena je tek pred nama. Ja nastavljam seriju Eucerin postova i hoću da vam pokažem dva proizvoda koja trenutno koristim za zaštitu od sunca i koja su me zaista oduševila. Eucerin je brend koji dosta hvale kada je SPF zaštita u pitanju, pa ću izgleda morati i ja.

Summer heat has started, and many more warm days are ahead of us. I'm going to continue Eucerin series of posts and in this one I want to show you two products that I currently use to protect from the sun and that really impressed me. Eucerin is a brand that a lot of people praise when it comes to SPF protection, so I'll have to do the same, too.

1. SPF30 Sun Spray Transparent

Do sada sam kao zaštitu za telo najviše volela da koristim retke kreme koje imaju raspršivače. Prošle godine koristila sam ulje koje se takođe prska, a ove godine na red je izgleda došao jedan sprej koji je ustvari u formi providne nemasne i nelepljive tečnosti. Takođe je i vodootporan. Ima blag i prijatan miris. Idealan je za masnu i problematinu kožu, ali svakako ga mogu koristiti osobe sa svim tipovima kože. Odličan je i za kožu glave jer lako može da se prska kroz kosu pa vam neće izgoreti ni ovaj nedostupan deo kože. Evo ga i sastav:

So far I have mostly used light creams which can be sprayed on the body. Last year I have used an oil which was also spray-able, and this year the time has come for me to use a spray that is actually in the form of translucent, non-greasy and non-sticky liquid. It is also waterproof. It has a mild and pleasant fragrance. Ideal for oily and problematic skin, but it can certainly be used by everyone. It's great for the scalp because it can easily be sprayed through your hair so this inaccessible part of the skin wont't burn. Here's the composition:

Sprej sadrži tinosorb S koji pruža zaštitu od sunca, kao i likokalkon A koji je jak antioksidans pa štiti kožu od slobodnih radikala nastalih delovanjem UV zraka. Iako nemam osetljivu kožu i lako crnim uvek kupujem kreme sa SPF50, međutim od Eucerina sam dobila ovaj sprej sa nižim zaštitnim faktorom. Već neko vreme nanosila sam isključivo njega, a stigla sam da se sunčam i po najgorem suncu i vrućinama i ovaj sprej je uspeo da me u potpunosti zaštiti od crvenila i opekotina.

The spray contains Tinosorb S that provides protection from the sun, as well as Likokalkon A which is a strong antioxidant and protects the skin from free radicals generated by of UV rays. Although I don't have sensitive skin and easy tan I always buy creams with SPF50. However, Eucerin gave me this spray with a lower SPF. For some time now I have been using only this spray, and I managed to spend a lot of time in the sun during the hottest part of the day, and this spray was completely able to protect me from redness and sunburns.

Na sprej imam samo dve tehničke zamerke. Prvo sprej se vrlo brzo upija i samim tin vrlo slabo može da se razmazuje. Zato vas tera da ga nanosite više nego što biste neku drugu kremu. S jedne strane ovo je dobro, ali za vaš novčanik neće biti. Druga zamerka je što je pumpica možda i previše kvalitetna i čvrsta, pa ponekad mi isklizne iz ruke i ne mogu da je pritisnem, ako pritiskam rukom kojom sam pokušala da razmažem sprej po koži. Ali to su sve sitnice. Sprej je po meni zaista odličan. Cena ove bočice od 200ml je 1613 dinara.

I have only two technical objections. The first one is that this spray is rapidly absorbed and therefore it can be spread on the skin very little. Because of this it makes you spray it more than you would some other cream. On the one hand this is good, but for your wallet it won't be. Another complaint is that the pump might be too good and solid, so sometimes it slips out of my hand when I press the pump with the hand I used to smear the spray on my skin. But these are all small objections. This spray is really excellent in my opinion. The price of this bottle of 200ml is 1613 RSD.

2. SPF50+ Sun Gel-Creme Oil Control

Kreme za lice sa SPF-om su mnogo delikatnija tema. Ova gel krema je nov Eucerinov proizvod i namenjena je masnoj i problematičnoj koži. Pored visoke zaštite daje i mat izgled kože i sprečava pojačano lučenje sebuma. Sadrži likokalkon A i glicirizinsku kiselinu koja pruža biološku zaštitu od sunca, štiti DNK i pomaže njegov oporavak. Sadrži i L-karnitin koji reguliše lučenje sebuma. Ne sadrži parabene, parfem i nekomedogen je, pa se može koristiti kao podloga za šminku.

Face creams with SPF are a more delicate issue. This gel-cream is a new Eucerin product and is intended for oily and problematic skin. In addition to high protection it also gives the skin a matte appearance and prevents increased production of sebum. Contains likokalkon A and glycyrrhizic acid, which provides biological protection from the sun, protecting DNA and help its recovery. It also contains L-carnitine which regulates the production of sebum. It does not contain parabens, fragrance and is non-comedogenic, so it can be used as a makeup base.

Dolazi u prelepoj čvrstoj plastičnoj bočici sa pumpicom koja odlično dozira kremu. Bočica ima 50ml i košta 1565 dinara. 

It comes in a beautiful sturdy plastic bottle with a pump that doses the cream perfectly. The bottle has 50ml and costs 1565 RSD.

Krema je srednje gustine i ide ka malo ređoj, međutim i pored toga se vrlo lako razmazuje i brzo upija. Vrlo je lagana i ne oseća se na koži. Kada se razmaže vidno zagladi kožu i matira je. Takođe primetila sam da u toku dana drastično sporije prosijavam. Ako je setujem nekim praškastim proizvodom nemam potebu ceo dan da popravljam šminku i uklanjam masan sjaj. Kao podloga za šminku se odlično pokazala. Naravno, zatita od sunca je odlična, ali to sam i očekivala. Krema mi na licu nije izazvala nikakve probleme.

The cream is medium density, pulling to a little rarer formula, however it is still very easy to spread and absorbs quickly. It is very light and I can't feel it on the skin. When applied it visibly smoothes the skin and mattifies it. Also I noticed that I get oily drastically slower during the day. If I set it with some powdrey product I don't have any need to fix my make-up and remove oily shine during the day. So, as a makeup base it is great. Of course, sun protection is also great, but that's what I expected. The cream did not cause any problems on my face.

Izgled kreme na licu i konačno vidan efekat matiranja definitivno su ovu gel kremu odmah lansirali na mesto moje HG kreme za lice sa SPF-om. Ako ste masnokožac, trebalo bi da je probate. Meni je lično bolja od svih koje sam do sad probala.

The appearance of the cream on the face and finally a visible matte effect definitely launched this gel-cream to a place of my HG face cream with SPF. If you have oily skin, you should try it. I personally haven't tried a better cream so far.

Volim kada naletim na proizvode koji me oduševe i koje onda budem srećna što koristim. Eucerin se zaista odlično pokazao ovog leta. Da li ste vi probali neki od ovih proizvoda?

Informacije i ocene
Cenalice: 1565 RSD
telo: 1613 RSD
Gde kupitiLilly, apoteke
Da li bih ih ponovo kupilaDa!
Zaštita od sunca5/5
Izgled kože5/5
Ukupna ocena5/5
- dobra formula
- nisu izazvali iritacije
- odlčno štite od sunca
- gel krema za lice dobro matira
- cena
- vrlo čvrsta pumpica na spreju za telo

- sprej za telo se prebrzo upija 
  pa ne može da se razmaže

I love when I come across products that excite me and that I'm happy to use. Eucerin really shined this year. Have you tried any of these products?

Information and scores
Priceface: 1565 RSD
body: 1613 RSD
Where to buyLilly, pharmacies
Would I buy it againYes!
Sun protection5/5
Skin appearance5/5
Overall Score5/5
- good formula
- didn't cause any irritation
- great protection from sunlight
- gel-cream mattifies great
- price
- quite hard pump on the body sprey
- body spray absorbs too fast,
  so it cannot be spread after sprayng

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